Monday, 27 December 2010


   Elections has pass , new group is in.. of course, the old group don't like to acknowledge the fact that they where clearley told  " we love democracy, " comunism, liberals, progressive, is all tabu for Us,
   We like democracy and will die for it if necesary !.
   there for We say to all of the legals in this contry, may the year 2011 be the year os happines for all of Us..
   Marry christmass and a happy new year for every one from _ inmigrated heart , and Ranulfo Ramirez.

Saturday, 4 December 2010


   It was good news indeed !
   The peaple let the politicians know that they don't like more taxes and bigger goverment, they want more work, more freedon in there life's to falow their own dream, no the one lay-out by the goverment. they vilieve in a goverment to serve the peaple, not the other way around .
   That is why the eleccion day was so grate, to bad we did not remove al of those that have serve in washinton for more than 2 terms . Those that stay in power for more than 2 terms become corrutp most of the time, they work for the interes of the ones that fill their banks account, no for the peaple that send them to Washington, that is " WE THE PEAPLE " .
   I hope the new congress remember they did not do that well when they have the chance 6 years ago, the Tea party started out of peaple that do not have faith on eather party, the democrats to liberal, olmost as much as the comunist . and the republican to ready  to compromise , and for some of them to easy to corrutp and lety this grate nacion down.
   How ever it is up to Us the American peaple to change all of this , We need to be involve.  We need to participate in every eleccions with the same energy as We did this time.
   Lets not loose the power that We the peaple have in our votes, if We do not care, them We loose America , like the Cubans lost Cuba, like the Venezuelans are loosing Venezuela , the left do not love the peaple, they love power, and on that, they stop at nothing, they like to own  you, and on that, they stop at nothing . Ranulfo Raqmirez.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

ring that bell loud and clear

   Show your true colors on Novenber the second of 2010 by going to the polls and vote !.
   You own it to yourself , your family , our founders fathers , our future generations . The future is in our hands , it is eleccion day . on  eleccions date , we most elect for the sake of this country , for our peaple , for the future of this grate union .
   We most make the choice between freedon and big govermen mentality , the hard working peaple of this country pay to much in taxes , the lazy peaple of this country get to much attencion , the illegals get free medical , the workers pay for it ! .
   Today politicians like to make goverment even bigger , they offer you free this.. free that , but there is not free things in this country , some one have to pay for it , usualy the working peaple .
   Politician like to control you from Whashinton ! , that is why they  like to keep themselfs in the congress or in the senet for life .
   If you are a lazy perzon , vote any way you want , or stay home and don't vote . Is all the same . but if you love America , if you love freedon , if you do not like big govermen intervencions in your life , go to the poll's and let every one know .
   I miself will vote for what I believe with all mi heart , a free America , with law and order , small goverment , less taxes , less control from whashington , more choises for the hard working class , lets bring more bussines back home , lets keep the ones that are here , dont tax them away , we need them , that is what America is all about , remember ,  " progresive " , " socialist " , any thing other than democracy will bring despair and social caos to America .   Ranulfo Ramirez.

Monday, 6 September 2010


  Why does it have to be so difficult  for the governor of Arizona and her sheriffe to protect their territory against the drug's cartels , the street gangs and the illegal's with criminal record's that hide with-in the rest of the immigrants that do not have ligal status in the state of Arizona ? .
   Why does the liberal media, the spanish  channel's , most of the spanish peaple that have acces to the media , are so definitly against this 2 official elected by the citisents of that state ? .
   It remind us of the judge that put some old man in  prison for killing a predator that broke into their home at mid-night  with the intension of killing the family and steel all of their possessions.
   We refuse to believe that all the people that are here in America legally,  do not have the right to protect their homes, their cities, and themself  from the criminals . And if in doing so we  hurts other than are out of their place , or shall we say, illegaly in the wrong place at the wrong time, wy will that be considered a crime,  the officials is only doing  their job correctly !.
   What makes this so bad is the fact that even the president turn his back to the legals citisen and side with  the peaple that created the problem to start with, the illegals that broke the law by comming in illegaly !.
   All in the name of , progresive ? , Do we elect our official to protect us or do we elect them to protect the ones that brake the law ?.
   The federal goverment let America down on immigracion matters . We think that if they can not, or shoose not to protect the law's of the country, at lease they will let the states handle their own territory.
   We are sure that the gagns and the drugs cartel are very happy that our president, the media, and all the left wing and progresive politician side with them, they, the criminals do not have to fear the law, they can keep cummming into the country illegaly, righ throw Arizona . If the sheriffe stop them, the sheriffe is braking the law, he is profiling, and the president think so . the news say so, especialy the spanish shannels.
   Mean while in Cuba the goverment kill peaple for thinking about democracy, wich the govermen in Cuba do not like,  and the same peaple than are asking for the head of that sheriffe in  Arizona, are asking for the goverment of the United States to help the criminal clan of the Castro brother's than have slave the Cuban peaple for almost 52 years. Thousans of Cuban had die under the dictatorship of the Castro brothers, How many have the sheriffe in Arizona kill cince He took office ? . Does the media, especialy the spanish media talk about Castro the way they talk about the sheriffe ? . so  often ? . Castro kill peaple that are in their own place, they are citicens of that country,  The outlaws in Arizona's prison  are intruders , they came in illegaly , they ran the stop singn , they got drunk , they made or bough fakes papers . Perhaps it will be easier  for the sheriffe and the governor if they had made a deal with the drugs cartels, plenty monny , they are in the right spot to let them in . But they shoose to serve their peaple by the laws, serve the peaple that put them in office, the ones that the federal goverment let down , the legal ones, the ones that pay for all the bills.   Ranulfo Ramirez.

Friday, 6 August 2010


     That this continent is called America  is fine, but it has frotiers , inside those frontier ,  its peaple had writing laws to protect its border , it is that simple .
   The terrorist and the drogs cartel's brake those laws every day , and those that attack the peaple who  opose illegal immigration  need to remember that , the fact that a citisen does not want to tolerate illigal's  is a matter of self defence , that is why is so important that the federal goverment do their job in protecting the United States of America , All Its border's .
   The politician's in washinton are playeng with the security of the peaple of America , they do this ,  no because of the human implications on this matter . they doing  this for political games .
   The price that the legal population of the United  States of America pay for this is way to high , and all the spanish channel can  say is  that without the illegal's we will pay $ 50.00 for a lb. of  vegetables . Then when a spanish person  is morder , very often a child , morder by an other  illegal , the channel complane that crime in  America is to high .  Most of the time this crimes are commited in conection with the drog trade . but the spanish channel's dont mention that , or weather or not  that person may had come in  illegally , if the authority have known this person ,  the crime may not have taken  place . Is helping the rest of the warld to brake immigrations laws  more important for those t.v. channels ? .
   The United States,  according to the  way of thinking  of many peaple , does not have the right to self defense , the right to their own laws ,  wich were created to protect their homes against intruders .
   I am a legal immigrant ! . And I want the protection that the constitucion of The United States promese Mi   when I inmigrated to this country !  that is why I came hear ligaly many years ago . I fallow  the laws ,
I respected the laws ,  illegals  shall do the same , they shall go back home and get their paper in order , and then I am sure that the rest of the American in their homes will fill better about their spanish nabors . More secure about their musling nabor . And the politician will have to quit their political games with all of Us , the legal's and illegal's . Al  the peaple of America . According to the constitucion .
       Ranulfo Ramirez .

Thursday, 3 June 2010


      America will survive! it has to.
A beautiful country with so much energy and good will tour other counties have to be here for the people of other nations!  when their lock runs out, when misery strike their homes!.
     It has happen before, world  war one, world war two. American soldier die for Europe, return Franse to the French's, Italy to the Italian's, Germany to the German's, Japan to the Japanese's . Soon that will be the case with Iraq, as it was with  Quait !.
   Why then, today immigrant's, specially the Latinos ! think that the American people do not have the right to their own home!, what make them think that We can come here and impose ourselves on them and they do not have the right to stop us from taking over their lives as We wish ! Their forefather's work to hard to create a country of laws and they have the right to keep it that way!.
   When Julio and I left Cuba, we came true Mexico, the Mexican  govermen and the people we talk to about helping us find a job while in Mexico, told Us that work in Mexico was for the Mexican, the same goes for every country south of the border, when Carlos from Argentina when to work with the company drilling for oil in mexico, he was sen back to his contry, work was for the Mexican worker.
   ? Shall the American have the right to do the same ?, it is their house, their city, their country, I am latin, and proud of that, but I came in legal, why dont the other do the same, " by the way, I was in mexico legaly ", but mi visa say turis, several times, I agree , work is for the citizen , and if we have to much work, them We the legal's may bring in more people from other countries, legally ! as the low's of The United States say it shall be!.
   I have no respect  for those than do not respect Me. The spanish news channels call it racist, I call it laws , there is no race in defending the laws of your country, the illegals broke the lows, they shall be send  home, o pay for braking the laws any way the American decide to do , no the way We tale them to do it!.
   If We want to be part of North America, We shall respect their laws !, We need to learn english, and try to understand their ways of thinking, What they have did not come from Us, they earned, work hard for it, and they shall have the right to enjoy every piece of it!. Our job is to go back and star our paper work if We want to live hear in North America, the way many of Us did, or go back and change our countries, turn then into what the Americans did with their own!.... Ranulfo  Ramirez.

Thursday, 11 March 2010


   I go back a long time every time I see the  t.v or look at the paper now and day, I see a man using every minute of the day on  his effort to convince us that his ideas are better, yet each day that goes by, more and more peaple desagree!. At the end, like Castro, he may be prooved  wronge, his way is not the best for his peaple.
   We see a lot of Obama, We hear a lot from Obama, Nothing yet about immigracion, but I am sure not for long, before november it will happen, Hi will be talking about.
   Are we falling for the same trick ?,  will we vote for the democrats again, I am sure they will again, promise the so long  overdue immigracion reform,  and ofcourse, yes, we will vote again for the democrats, we never learn, we are that easy to fool..
   Meanwhile, we need to get free insurance for those few million that do not have one, no matter than some of then, and I know to many, prefer to smoke 2 pack;s of cigarret, $ 10.00 dollars, and a 6 pack of beer, $5.00 to $10.00, depending on the brand, intead of gettin helth insurance. $ 400 dollars by a good insurance for a yung person, better than beer and tobaco!
   Mean while, the illegal keep waiting for a free ride to American  cityzenship, to bad that I did not get one when I came in 45 years ago. All that paper work, all that waiting, but well thanks God for America!!!               Ranulfo Ramirez.

Sunday, 14 February 2010


   We all love America for one reason, My is very simple, when the goverment in my country desided that a person with democratic ideas was a menace to the rooling group that wanted to implant a dictatorship of the comunist type, it was time to leave or die, fate was I will not die as some of my conrads, after scaping from preason and goin into an friendley embassy, in wich I spend 4 years, I have the lusury of coming to a country full of hard working peaple, mens and wimens  that did not seat home waiting for the wellfair check, as way to many do now and days.
   On valantines day I will not go on record as a person who puts blame for Americas desarrange way of life in any espesifique group, but all the politicians shall ask themsel, : did I feild in my job :, Elected official have an obligation to uphold the highest standar for the good of the nation!!! the party line, the groups fabors,and their own enrrichment come last to the well been of the country.
    Ranulfo Ramirez..     ***  HAPPY VALANTINE DAY ***

Thursday, 28 January 2010


   January the 28 and we do not have a deal ! , the health plan for the " legal " we the peaple of America. The
illegals already have one, every hospital in America will take care of them when they get sick, usualy the one
with good jobs pay their bills, problem is not to many of the elegals have good jobs, and after getting well, they just moove to an other city, and the hospital goes to the goverment for what ever monnies the goverment now have for those cases.
   And yes, there are monnies for that, I find out while in the hospital helping some friends whos parents are here visiting them. we help them fill out the form so that the hospital coul go ahead and put a clame for federal and state help, from one of the programs that have been taylored for persons visiting the states.
   Problem is, by the time the goverment tales the hospital the person is not a visitor, the bill is already past due and the sick person is allready gone, for that reason and all the other reason wer know, lets ask the goverment to end illegal immigration once and for all, americans need  their doctor and hospital to help the American and their legal visitors, as well as the ones that come in , with in the law, with all their paper and a real I.D...

Sunday, 3 January 2010


                                 Happy 2010 to America and the world!
   May 2010 be the year of real peace for all!!! humans being. All under the guidence of the only
power strog enough to conquest the universe!!! LOVE !!!.
   For this every human being have to remember: your right end where my began !
   WE need to restraine ourself from transpassing in order to make a proffit !, We also need to remember that power corrot the weak minded person, politician are bussnes peaple, they are not all honest, we have
to hold them acountable, or they will take the country doun into misery!. Today we have to much greed!.
   We need new politician elected to 2 terms only, out with the old ways, new blod, new brains, new
members to congres and senate, America need server to serve, today there is to much talk, to much take, to litle done to secure the future of America!
   We are paing the price for life time terms for Washinton politician. ! two terms and your are out !
   We at immigrated heart like to see an end to political as usual, finish this helth care long talk and on with
the new, : legal immigration is awaiting for your resolution to a very complex problem, what are you goin to do with it ?, sit there and try to win votes for your party next elections or do your job to protec the ligal citisen of this country! in case you forgot, they have rights too! they can not go to the country the ilegals came from, they are not aloud to! and in many places they put in prisons, as they did in Mexico with my nephues,
and if they dont pay their way out they get deported back to their country!
   We need to get America out of bankcrotsy, given out what litle America has now, wont fee all the poor of this worl, lets make America helthy again, and then we may be able to help more of the peaple tha need
our help, this we can do by making democracy strong around the worl, not by giving ilegals a free ride.
   As an immigrant, one that fallow all the laws to get to the states, I can assure you that every man can
and will do better if their own goverment lets them work on their own country, instead of goin to an other
country to, in many ways, harm the citicens of that countrey, lets help democracy, down with the corropted
politicians, create work thrugh free-enterprice, keep goverment from running bussines or bayling them out!
Free enterprice is a proven way for good mens to advance in this planet, to many goverment interfieing for
only one reason, ! more power to a select group of peaple on top! .
   Lets fix immigracion for the United States of America, for the legals in america , we do not have the
monney to save the worl, we love them, they most undestain, love does not mean for mi to starve to death
in order for you to get what I work so hard for!!! Ranulfo Ramirez :