Monday, 6 September 2010


  Why does it have to be so difficult  for the governor of Arizona and her sheriffe to protect their territory against the drug's cartels , the street gangs and the illegal's with criminal record's that hide with-in the rest of the immigrants that do not have ligal status in the state of Arizona ? .
   Why does the liberal media, the spanish  channel's , most of the spanish peaple that have acces to the media , are so definitly against this 2 official elected by the citisents of that state ? .
   It remind us of the judge that put some old man in  prison for killing a predator that broke into their home at mid-night  with the intension of killing the family and steel all of their possessions.
   We refuse to believe that all the people that are here in America legally,  do not have the right to protect their homes, their cities, and themself  from the criminals . And if in doing so we  hurts other than are out of their place , or shall we say, illegaly in the wrong place at the wrong time, wy will that be considered a crime,  the officials is only doing  their job correctly !.
   What makes this so bad is the fact that even the president turn his back to the legals citisen and side with  the peaple that created the problem to start with, the illegals that broke the law by comming in illegaly !.
   All in the name of , progresive ? , Do we elect our official to protect us or do we elect them to protect the ones that brake the law ?.
   The federal goverment let America down on immigracion matters . We think that if they can not, or shoose not to protect the law's of the country, at lease they will let the states handle their own territory.
   We are sure that the gagns and the drugs cartel are very happy that our president, the media, and all the left wing and progresive politician side with them, they, the criminals do not have to fear the law, they can keep cummming into the country illegaly, righ throw Arizona . If the sheriffe stop them, the sheriffe is braking the law, he is profiling, and the president think so . the news say so, especialy the spanish shannels.
   Mean while in Cuba the goverment kill peaple for thinking about democracy, wich the govermen in Cuba do not like,  and the same peaple than are asking for the head of that sheriffe in  Arizona, are asking for the goverment of the United States to help the criminal clan of the Castro brother's than have slave the Cuban peaple for almost 52 years. Thousans of Cuban had die under the dictatorship of the Castro brothers, How many have the sheriffe in Arizona kill cince He took office ? . Does the media, especialy the spanish media talk about Castro the way they talk about the sheriffe ? . so  often ? . Castro kill peaple that are in their own place, they are citicens of that country,  The outlaws in Arizona's prison  are intruders , they came in illegaly , they ran the stop singn , they got drunk , they made or bough fakes papers . Perhaps it will be easier  for the sheriffe and the governor if they had made a deal with the drugs cartels, plenty monny , they are in the right spot to let them in . But they shoose to serve their peaple by the laws, serve the peaple that put them in office, the ones that the federal goverment let down , the legal ones, the ones that pay for all the bills.   Ranulfo Ramirez.

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