It was good news indeed !
The peaple let the politicians know that they don't like more taxes and bigger goverment, they want more work, more freedon in there life's to falow their own dream, no the one lay-out by the goverment. they vilieve in a goverment to serve the peaple, not the other way around .
That is why the eleccion day was so grate, to bad we did not remove al of those that have serve in washinton for more than 2 terms . Those that stay in power for more than 2 terms become corrutp most of the time, they work for the interes of the ones that fill their banks account, no for the peaple that send them to Washington, that is " WE THE PEAPLE " .
I hope the new congress remember they did not do that well when they have the chance 6 years ago, the Tea party started out of peaple that do not have faith on eather party, the democrats to liberal, olmost as much as the comunist . and the republican to ready to compromise , and for some of them to easy to corrutp and lety this grate nacion down.
How ever it is up to Us the American peaple to change all of this , We need to be involve. We need to participate in every eleccions with the same energy as We did this time.
Lets not loose the power that We the peaple have in our votes, if We do not care, them We loose America , like the Cubans lost Cuba, like the Venezuelans are loosing Venezuela , the left do not love the peaple, they love power, and on that, they stop at nothing, they like to own you, and on that, they stop at nothing . Ranulfo Raqmirez.
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