Thursday, 7 October 2010

ring that bell loud and clear

   Show your true colors on Novenber the second of 2010 by going to the polls and vote !.
   You own it to yourself , your family , our founders fathers , our future generations . The future is in our hands , it is eleccion day . on  eleccions date , we most elect for the sake of this country , for our peaple , for the future of this grate union .
   We most make the choice between freedon and big govermen mentality , the hard working peaple of this country pay to much in taxes , the lazy peaple of this country get to much attencion , the illegals get free medical , the workers pay for it ! .
   Today politicians like to make goverment even bigger , they offer you free this.. free that , but there is not free things in this country , some one have to pay for it , usualy the working peaple .
   Politician like to control you from Whashinton ! , that is why they  like to keep themselfs in the congress or in the senet for life .
   If you are a lazy perzon , vote any way you want , or stay home and don't vote . Is all the same . but if you love America , if you love freedon , if you do not like big govermen intervencions in your life , go to the poll's and let every one know .
   I miself will vote for what I believe with all mi heart , a free America , with law and order , small goverment , less taxes , less control from whashington , more choises for the hard working class , lets bring more bussines back home , lets keep the ones that are here , dont tax them away , we need them , that is what America is all about , remember ,  " progresive " , " socialist " , any thing other than democracy will bring despair and social caos to America .   Ranulfo Ramirez.

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