Wednesday, 14 September 2011


May it be the press , " they need head lines ", or it may be the politicians, but the truth is that America is not in good health .  the number of people on some kind of relieve is the larger in history, the number of people out of a job is unreal . Mean while in Washington the presidents and the rest of the politicians stay on a campaign mode . they do not want to tackle  the real problems , all in the name of votes .
   I wonder if the people of the United States of America really knows how much money  does the federal government give away to immigrants that enter this country with out respect for its citizens . I am one person, and I know of lots of people that are getting food stamps, medical help, cash for their rent and they never put a single penny into the system . Yes I know they need help, but do We have the money to help them ? no! WE do not have money, We are broke, b-r-o-k-e . do you politicians understand this, We are broke, your obligations are for those that pay for the programs, not for the rest of the world where they let their own people ruin their lifes with bad politicle sistems , such as the one in Cuba . or the one been stablish in Venezuela .
   This is a country of immigrants We know, but the immigrants of the past came to stay, to live the dream , not to send money to their countries, and they do that while this goverment give them wellfair money and free medical for their kids. I know of peaple that do that, I am sure that the politicians also know that, but they keep the waste going, Right  now mi fellow Cubans are keeping the dictatorship of the Castro brothers in power with money needed in Miami to improve the economy of that city, They do not care if America is destroy , they only though is to help their family with a litle better living  a litle longer, they do not see that those monies keep their own family slave of the Castro family for a longer time. 
   Now, for the Cubans, the Mexicans, the south Americans and the rest of the world to have that set of mind may be understandeble , but for the men and women who sword to upheld the constitution,  after the citisen vote them into office, is a crime agaist the legal americans born in this country, and those of us that came in with do prosess . We paid funds into the system , the illegals did not, stop the give away of our monies, you do not have the right, you work for us. and We say stop now, before America become a  3rd  world country , like the ones We came from .
   I am not an indolent person, but I respect other people and I know that the American have the right to their own country , and it is not their fault if We have to immigrate hear . To all of those asking for a amnesty for every one illegal in this country. Stop begging and respect this country, go back to your country and ask for money there, the one in hear is for those that put it in those account to star with . is not your. And you obligation is with your country, go and make it a better place for you and your people. like the Americans and the legal immigrants did with this country. Have some pride, respete your raza. dont begg for what is not your, citicenship is earned, by berth or by legal status, not a human right . you are imposing, invading, until you understan this, American will not respect you, will not like you, and will not understan the lack of respect for America in the part of the president and the politicians in charge.  Ranulfo Ramirez.

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