Thursday, 8 September 2011


   I guest that wen some people talk about free trade they mean that the custumers do not hae to pay for the goods they will purchase . And ofcourse the democrats know We do not hae the monny to free trade with Colombia , they have to many millions people that will benefit with  the free trade agremen , but ofcourse they have a democracy in place . in an other hand Cuba only have 12 million  people, Castros record in paing his bills is the worse in the continent , His economy some what like the one in Haity . But a group of democrats are in Cuba right now traing to do bussines with that devel guy, the one that send about 3 millions out of the country and into a life of inmigration that they did not ask for ! the same guys that send his criminals out to bit-up women and men for wanting democracy for their country. A man that have kill thousand of his peaple by rifle fire, thousand have  died at sea because of his dictatorship . and this group of Democrats headed by our president is traien to trade with this meniac, with this asesin of men women and children . Is this the America that we want ? . the one that sey no to Colombia as Nancy Pelosy and her congress did ?
Colombia our democratic friends , No ! Cuba who for 52 years tray to distroy North America , yes ? .
   Cuba is run by a dictatos of the left, like so many of our democrats friends in this country , their love for power and the destruction of thru democracy is their golg , not help peaple !, specialy the people that voted them into office, they will be the ones paing the bill for what we sale to Cuba, the American tax payers, Cuba is in truble, Raul Castro is in truble, and Obama and his liberal friend are goin in to help, they are falowing Jimmy Cartes recomendations, go and help that good boy in Cuba, so He kill a cople millions people in the las 55 years, they where yest Cubans, who care ?.  They have 12 millions living as slaes , who cares ? We dont care if Colombias democracy desapier, but we have to save the Castro brothers . they the only Cubans that count . the twelf millions slaves of the Castro family, they are yest Cubans, poor Cubans and colombians democrats dont matter to the American democratric party ! Not that it matters to much to the republicans ider .  But at less the republicans are in the Colombian side on this one . Ranulfo Ramirez.

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