Saturday, 12 December 2009


   Immigrated heart is a blog dedicated to promote, establish, enhance and defend [[ DEMOCRACY ]].
Today we have more human living under restricted liberties than ever.
We have kings , dictator, are they necesary ?,  what for ?, and we have  govermen form by a small group
of peaple that do not let their peaple chose a diferent type of goverment, by the peaple,  for the peaple,
and countries that have some kind of democratic goverments who  are traing to change the contitucion so that they may stay in power til they die.
We at the Immigrated Heart believe in free election, multiples parties,and a two four years terms, and that
goes for every elected oficial, presidents, senators, congresmans, jodges, and all the way down, everyone
shal be elected by the peaple and not apointed by one living creature or a group tha is  in power.

 Immigrated heart is a blog for all of us who where force to inmigrate, and for all of those who dill with the immigrants every day.
Forget the reason that force us to immigrate, no matter what those reason where , the peaple in the country we immigrated to are not at foult, neather are they obligated to feet us, give us free medical care, pay our rent
and let us brake their laws.
And yes they have the right to kick us out if they want to !. And we do not have the right to brake theire laws
and not pay for doing so. and yes we have to say thank you for letting mi stay at your place.
What make us think that we are a superior to the rest of the worl ?, what do they do in our contry with the immigrant ?, legals, ilegals, what do they get for free?. Do you know that there is a thing called ligal immigration?. beleave it or not, it worked for Me, and I thanks! the 300 millions peaple that let mi in their country . Thanks to you friends of North America!. if not the best , it is very dog gone close!
Ranulfo Ramirez.  [ Immigranted. Heart . com.]

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