Forget Fidel, he no longer run around stepping all over humans feelings, he no longer train peaple for gorrila warfair against other contries, that job is naw on the hand of hugo chaves.
The truth is that those in Cuba that run the dictadorship * [ left by the man that have a free run to killing his
own peaple, all of those that did not agree with " him " replacen God . in every thing on the islan, he became every child father, every bussines owner, he was the only truth !] * they continuo to use his name to harvest farther more the terror that he inflicted on the cuban peaple .
That is what happen to a country when that country looses its freedon, Batista 1th, and Castro 2nd. are res-
ponsibles for thousans of dead cuban, in war, in the intents to leeve Cuba in unsafe besels, desapeared by their criminal security police . An yes,,, [ executed by firing scuad ]
The entire warld has let it happen , from the tip of Canada to the tip of Argentina every country and every
goverment that on the pass 60 years have been in power on those contries, have alloud the abuse of the no-
ble cuban peaple by their dictadors above mencioned , they have prefere to be friend with the two dictadors. and let them have their way.
The same goes for every country in the United Nation. especialy Espain .
Today Castros terroristic machine is beating up innocents womens for peacifully asking the goverment to set
free their husbans and son put in prison for not calling Castro their god, for having a free mind, for asking for
those rights given to all of us at birth , the right to be treaded as iquals.
Ofcourse, that right came fron a real God,and in Cuba, God dose not count , unless his last name is Caaastro.
Ranulfo Ramirez : Immigrated Heart . com
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