Saturday, 11 August 2012


   As Herman King says We are no stupid . come November we the American voters will show the liberal press and their friend the Communist , the progressives , the what ever name they have choose to hide the real political believe they have ,  witch is a left political agenda .
   Deep in my heart I know America believe in freedom , and they know that only if America stay strong in its democratic roots that freedom will remained in place , the way Fidel Castro did to President Johnson , Camarioca bote rampage  and long standing freedom fly that fallow , the way Castro did to Jimmy Carter , Mariel bote rampage our of Cuba , and the way Castro again did to Bill Clinton gimmo bote rampage again , thousand of people , " all of them had  work very hard to enrich the Cuban Communist party and the Castro brothers " and then they  where flush  into North America to rip off the welfare system witch was intended to be for the needed American people . This aggressions again America was a declaration of war , The democratic party and its elected president every time fail the American people , even against a small country like Cuba and a communist mafia from Havana make them look bad . Always the Castro's and the Cuban Communist have found help from the democratic elected presidents , those of the democratic party have help the Castros  to clean the Caribbean island of those that have oppose the Communist government in Cuba . The dictator have been safe and American tax payers pick up the tap .
   Come November I hope the American people vote Obama and his left wing government out of Office , vote for yourself , America , you deserve some one better , some one who is for an America strong and faithfully to democratic values , not a " progressives " red , or at lees pink president who tell the enemies of America , please wait til after the election , I can help you them , after I fool the American people one more time .
   I hope Herman King is right , and America proof to the world that we are not stupid . We the people know better .      Ranulfo Ramirez.

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