Wednesday, 26 December 2012

   American voters chose more of the same !
It did not matter than for 3and have years , our president have not lead the country as He promise , We steel do not know about fast and furious and never will , We do not know about bengasy and never will . this from a man that promise a Crystal clear government , a government in wish there be no behind doors . negotiations on any matter that Will affects the American people . several Americans die , and the president yest keep his lips close . He does not care .
   In 4 years He has not give a single solution that will resolve the problems in the worth economy that I have Sean since mi arrival in north America in 1.965 . And the president  has prove  that He is incapable of doing so . all he knows to do is blame others for what ever take place , and let  his cabinet member take blame for the ,  every month mistakes since He was sworn in .
   All that he does for his lack of leadership is go around on a very expensive aeroplane pay by the tax payers blame others for what America is going throw . Unemployment , Lots on welfare , a big problem with immigration and millions of people in despair , no knowing what is next .
   The rest of the democrats behind Him . where are your ideas , what do you know , Harry read , you have not learn  any thing in so many years in the senate ? , all you and your president can't do nothing but to start class warfare ? , Use the race card ? , get the poor against the ones that work hard and help America become what it has been for over 200 years ,  prosperous country .
   The fact that your party has Bean siege by the left , the so call liberals , progressives , and the Communist that after the fall of the Soviet union understood that the only way to seize  power in the  future was enlisting on the parties existing in democratic countries , and here in America North they are doing what thy did in Venezuela , and many others countries  . America wake up !  don't do what the Cubans did . their hate for there neighbour's put them on the hands of the Communist , on their hands they have been slaves of the dictator governing for 54 years , the cost to Cuba ,millions of dispersed citizen's ,and thousands of dead citizen's for not wanting to live as slaves . Ranulfo Ramirez .

Saturday, 11 August 2012


   As Herman King says We are no stupid . come November we the American voters will show the liberal press and their friend the Communist , the progressives , the what ever name they have choose to hide the real political believe they have ,  witch is a left political agenda .
   Deep in my heart I know America believe in freedom , and they know that only if America stay strong in its democratic roots that freedom will remained in place , the way Fidel Castro did to President Johnson , Camarioca bote rampage  and long standing freedom fly that fallow , the way Castro did to Jimmy Carter , Mariel bote rampage our of Cuba , and the way Castro again did to Bill Clinton gimmo bote rampage again , thousand of people , " all of them had  work very hard to enrich the Cuban Communist party and the Castro brothers " and then they  where flush  into North America to rip off the welfare system witch was intended to be for the needed American people . This aggressions again America was a declaration of war , The democratic party and its elected president every time fail the American people , even against a small country like Cuba and a communist mafia from Havana make them look bad . Always the Castro's and the Cuban Communist have found help from the democratic elected presidents , those of the democratic party have help the Castros  to clean the Caribbean island of those that have oppose the Communist government in Cuba . The dictator have been safe and American tax payers pick up the tap .
   Come November I hope the American people vote Obama and his left wing government out of Office , vote for yourself , America , you deserve some one better , some one who is for an America strong and faithfully to democratic values , not a " progressives " red , or at lees pink president who tell the enemies of America , please wait til after the election , I can help you them , after I fool the American people one more time .
   I hope Herman King is right , and America proof to the world that we are not stupid . We the people know better .      Ranulfo Ramirez.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012


   As Ronal Regan said to Jimmi Carter in one dabate , here we go again , Jimmi wanted to stay in the white house even after He put peaple aut of work and made the economy a mess . He did not care , he thogh the American peaple was that easy to fool .
   Is today American peaple diferent from those in 1.980 , Yes  we are ! thousand of new voter may come from the peaple that Ronal Reagan legalise with his annesty to the illegal that where here before He became president , I am sure some of those peaple and their families will vote for a republican party candidate , if they do so they be making mad the yungest hispanic population that has been manipulated by the democratic party , seduce with lies and frisbys or promeses of something for free such as medical plans and free education . this I see every day in the hispanic channels . I here them in the streets , they believe that the republican are ready to send them back to their countries in big trais . Is that what Regan did ? .
   Obama is doing what Jimmi Carter did , use every thing at his disposal to be re-elected , He will divide the country in order to win his re-election , neather Him or his party care about the damage they done to the country , they do not care about the peaple out of work , their left agenda is allways the same . power control , does not matter if the country goes doun the drain , for that power it dors not matter if they have to use illegal voting in the hext elections , and those that are ligal thanks to Ronal Regan , will be under pressure by their hispanic news media , for those that love America as it has been , a secure free country , four more years of Obama will be like four more year of Jimmi Carter in 1.980 . We will not have the good 8 years on Ronal Regan , or on todays cituacion , 8 years of some one that do what have to be done , to save democracy in this country , the left steel at war again democracy , that have not change , and the democratic party has a large number of left wing advocates that use el diferebt name for "communism ". and they do not love America's democracy . 

Ranulfo Ramirez.

Saturday, 31 March 2012


    We begin by given thanks to Rick perry , Herman cane , Rick Santorum , Ron Paul , and our best friend Newton for their time and monney expend in making this the best effor for re-inforce democracy , their efford will not go un-notice . America is better because of their love for America democracy and our constitution .

   The contitucion is what separate Us from the dictatorship of the comunist , or the ultraright dictotors of Latin america .  come nobember We need to let Obama know that We love freedon and the lows that keep Us free . the contitucion . No more mandates . lets elect mitt romney in novenber and keep working in ways to improove democracy . not destroy it . put peaple to work , not make them depend of the politician for their livehood . that will be making them slaves of the goverment , the way they are in Cuba . mitt Romney in 2012 .  Ranulfo Ramirez.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


   Ok , lets say that Mitt Rumney is in , no one keep Him out this time . Ofcourse We will vote for Him ! removing Obama out of the white house is a most , and thanks God We have a chance to do yest that .
Other wise America wil never have a chance to be the same .
   The only bad thing about Rumney is that He does not talk much about immigration reform or the fair tax implementation . that We think America is desperetly in need of .
   The fair tax will bring back bussines and monnies that the American people so desperetley need , Companies will gamble more in America if they are alloud to make more monny and find worker to deel with intead of abusive unions and taxes to eat them up .
   People need more jobs , no more taxes , under current conditions the few that are working will never be able to feed the rest of Us , and suport an ever groing Washingto croud of federal workers .
   Nest nobember We can and will change the man in the white house , but I will like to know what is that man goin to do with the million of illegals using part of our resourses in Washington , what is Hi going to do with the over taxection of the American working class , about the valance budget . Is it time for the fair tax ? .
why not ? . The republican party better star thinking and let America know about this thins , otherwise they be acuse of been to much like the liberal democrats , for whom the power mean more than America and its legal citizens .
   It is time for a change in Washington , things  like term limits , valance budget , immigration enforcement , and honest politicians that work for Us , not for themselfs and their group of friends . Getting reach shall not come first to stayn  free and have a country strong anough to be a becon for democracy in this planet .
   Come november use your vote wise-ly . 
     Ranulfo Ramirez.