Friday, 17 June 2011


    On the Hispanic news today they show people attacking our government for the new law that require for people to be legal in the United States in order to get a job , use the school  free lunches , use the public health system or get a driving licence . this weeken I worked with 2 mans " both illegals " fron south of the border , both drive cars , both work at a packing company , one of the 2 have a food preparation and sale in his house , this put him in competicion with the local restaurants wich are legal bussineses , pay taxes and have insurance in case some one get sick with their food or get hurt in a fall with-in the restaurant . Is that fair to the American people ? !
   I am an inmigrant , one that came in in 1.965 with all the require paper work according to this country's laws . this country and its people did not own me any thing , they let me in out of the goodnes of their heart , and at that time as now I thank them for opening their door for  me . For opening the doors for the woman that became my wife , for been a place that I call home ever cince the goverment in my country forced  me to leave my land . I thank the peaple in America that work so hard to keep this country helhty , those that die to keep this country and the entire world a better place for human been . A place where my kids and grand kids can be safe and free . this is the America that I like to se a 100 years from now , not the america that the illegal inmigration is shapen in this un-contrled invacion of people from allover the world , people that no one knows if they are good people or criminals ,  as every day we see in the news in Georgia , people that kill they own children , kill each other in some parking lots in their drogs deeling skims , or blow their homes in the proses of cooking drogs . Perhaps We have lots of American involve on the sames deeling , but at leas when thy get kill we know kwo they were , and the police can and will arrest them without been acuse of been racest .
   I wellcome the new law , my keeds need that law , the State of Georgia have the right and the obligation of protecting my grand kids , the American have the right to shoose who enter they naborhood , who is next door , and it is the police job to secure our city for those of us who respect the laws !. That is not a violection of any humans rights . any boddy who say that is antiAmerica or is an ignorant .Your right fellow !  end where my start , and as an American citisen living in the  State of Georgia , I call the state of Georgia  rightfully mine , not yours , and I like to know that my home is steel my home , and that the police that I help to pay is protecting me , no some illegal person that invaded my country , my city , my naborhood . that is the way it shall be ... Thanks governador , thanks legislators .   Ranulfo Ramirez.

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