America is changing and we do not see the danger of it .
The danger brougt to us by the neglect of immigrations laws enforcement , In the part of our federal goverment. This is all in the interest of especial groups , such as politicals party's , builders looking for " inespensive " labor . Farmers in the need of , " inespensive " hands to pick their crops. The poor peaple that we do not know keep cumming , and lots of criminals joint the procession , and this criminal pray on our childrens , our elderly , our small bussines , Naw we do not even know our nabors , they refuse to talk our language .
Naw it is our problem , we feed them in our prisons, we save their lifes in our hospital , after the shoot out with our lawmen , pay for their doctors . and ofcourse , " we suply the victim " ! .
When our law men encaunter an illegal he or she have to ignore the fact that the person had broke our laws , let him go free with the kind of freedon for wich I pay the price , see I came in legaly , and the natives of America that supose to have the proteccion of the laws , are put in danger every day by some of those illegals that we do not even know . in some cases they iven refuse to talk the language , making dificult for the law man to know if his life is in danger , very often that is the case ! .
Our elected officials in Georgia and in florida like the ones in Arizona understand the danger, they started to push for states laws to protect our state citicens against the un-known peaple that invaded our country, the ones that shall have come in " invited ", not in the dark, braking our laws . Is that to dificult to undestain ? , as you can see it . washington has failed the peaple of America , and they yest do not want to do any thing , and they do not like for the states to protect us ither, like we do not matter , our families come second, our national security come second, the illegals come first , even when a large percent of those may have comited crimes before muving in your Naborhood.
Every day your kids may be spose to rape , your house may be broke into , a shoot-out may brake up betwen drugs dilling illegal , a police nabor of yours may be shot as he serve a warrant to a person who is using a falce name , perhaps your , for it is well known that they steel identity to octane jobs even in goverment offices .
I hope that the Georgia assembly comes up with the right law, and I hope it is enforce to its fullness . I like to fill secure like I did when I first came to Georgi back in 1.971 . Ranulfo Ramirez.
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