Saturday, 31 March 2012


    We begin by given thanks to Rick perry , Herman cane , Rick Santorum , Ron Paul , and our best friend Newton for their time and monney expend in making this the best effor for re-inforce democracy , their efford will not go un-notice . America is better because of their love for America democracy and our constitution .

   The contitucion is what separate Us from the dictatorship of the comunist , or the ultraright dictotors of Latin america .  come nobember We need to let Obama know that We love freedon and the lows that keep Us free . the contitucion . No more mandates . lets elect mitt romney in novenber and keep working in ways to improove democracy . not destroy it . put peaple to work , not make them depend of the politician for their livehood . that will be making them slaves of the goverment , the way they are in Cuba . mitt Romney in 2012 .  Ranulfo Ramirez.