Wednesday, 11 January 2012


   Ok , lets say that Mitt Rumney is in , no one keep Him out this time . Ofcourse We will vote for Him ! removing Obama out of the white house is a most , and thanks God We have a chance to do yest that .
Other wise America wil never have a chance to be the same .
   The only bad thing about Rumney is that He does not talk much about immigration reform or the fair tax implementation . that We think America is desperetly in need of .
   The fair tax will bring back bussines and monnies that the American people so desperetley need , Companies will gamble more in America if they are alloud to make more monny and find worker to deel with intead of abusive unions and taxes to eat them up .
   People need more jobs , no more taxes , under current conditions the few that are working will never be able to feed the rest of Us , and suport an ever groing Washingto croud of federal workers .
   Nest nobember We can and will change the man in the white house , but I will like to know what is that man goin to do with the million of illegals using part of our resourses in Washington , what is Hi going to do with the over taxection of the American working class , about the valance budget . Is it time for the fair tax ? .
why not ? . The republican party better star thinking and let America know about this thins , otherwise they be acuse of been to much like the liberal democrats , for whom the power mean more than America and its legal citizens .
   It is time for a change in Washington , things  like term limits , valance budget , immigration enforcement , and honest politicians that work for Us , not for themselfs and their group of friends . Getting reach shall not come first to stayn  free and have a country strong anough to be a becon for democracy in this planet .
   Come november use your vote wise-ly . 
     Ranulfo Ramirez.