Sunday, 30 October 2011


   Helman Cane for the white house .
This man has not been poluted by the Washington breeze . He say it Himself . And the fact that the media try to ignore Him make it clear, the man is diferent, What He say to every one, He is not Afro pluss, He is black-America. He is American, no some one imported, . He is as American as George Washington was , as American as J.F.Kennedy. As American as Bill Clinton. punto. and He get my vote !, Now for the republican nomination, and next year for president. I was in bussines for 23 years, and the taxes that I send in, and where waste by the Washington elite, where to mush. and to complicated for Me to understan, the nine-nine-nine is simple, and the fair tax He promese to look into will save America, the country I love so much , the one my grand kids, live in, the one that represent the democracy thet I love, the one the progresive are tryen to distroy, by taxing us to deth .  that the way they  help their bankers and friends and their frends companies, andofcourse  the unions where they get all the monney for campaining for 2 years before the next elections, so they can  be re-elected for 4 more years , four more years  of destruction of this country. If you love America, you will like Herman Cane, the next president.    Ranulfo Ramirez.