That is all We will see for the next 18 months .
It does not matter than We have almost 10% unemployment , Mr president is playing the game , he takes the Afro American voter for granted , the Latin voter are not happy with the deportations , What He does ? stop deportation . That is a slap on the face of intelligent Latino people , Way did He wait until Hes approval rating went Down to under 45% in the poles , All the Sutton He care about the illegals in the country , they do not vote, but their friends and nabors do , and He need their vote , Now this poor people have a relieve of a few months, after next elections the worry will come back, the deportations will resume, and Lord will the Latinos fill stupid for been so easy to full .
The ones that will hurt the most with this change of heart of the president are the poor people who is looking for work , the ones that need the factories jobs , the highways jobs , the landscapes jobs , the ones that the illegals will keep on doing , because they work for less ! the Afro American than did not finish high school or the white American that did the same need those jobs, of course, getting re-elected is more important that putting people to work , and those people will take his words that the responsible are the republican, no matter that the white house and the Senate still in they hands, and that a year ago the democrats have all tree houses on their hands, did they do any thing about immigration laws ? no ! they did not ! Nothing against legal immigration have to be done, every one likes it , the illegal immigration is the one taking work from the lower class in this country, they are the carpenters, the concrete worker , and a never ending list of jobs that the legal foreigners and the laborer on this country could do if given a chance. OK Mister president . Ranulfo Ramirez.