Friday, 6 August 2010


     That this continent is called America  is fine, but it has frotiers , inside those frontier ,  its peaple had writing laws to protect its border , it is that simple .
   The terrorist and the drogs cartel's brake those laws every day , and those that attack the peaple who  opose illegal immigration  need to remember that , the fact that a citisen does not want to tolerate illigal's  is a matter of self defence , that is why is so important that the federal goverment do their job in protecting the United States of America , All Its border's .
   The politician's in washinton are playeng with the security of the peaple of America , they do this ,  no because of the human implications on this matter . they doing  this for political games .
   The price that the legal population of the United  States of America pay for this is way to high , and all the spanish channel can  say is  that without the illegal's we will pay $ 50.00 for a lb. of  vegetables . Then when a spanish person  is morder , very often a child , morder by an other  illegal , the channel complane that crime in  America is to high .  Most of the time this crimes are commited in conection with the drog trade . but the spanish channel's dont mention that , or weather or not  that person may had come in  illegally , if the authority have known this person ,  the crime may not have taken  place . Is helping the rest of the warld to brake immigrations laws  more important for those t.v. channels ? .
   The United States,  according to the  way of thinking  of many peaple , does not have the right to self defense , the right to their own laws ,  wich were created to protect their homes against intruders .
   I am a legal immigrant ! . And I want the protection that the constitucion of The United States promese Mi   when I inmigrated to this country !  that is why I came hear ligaly many years ago . I fallow  the laws ,
I respected the laws ,  illegals  shall do the same , they shall go back home and get their paper in order , and then I am sure that the rest of the American in their homes will fill better about their spanish nabors . More secure about their musling nabor . And the politician will have to quit their political games with all of Us , the legal's and illegal's . Al  the peaple of America . According to the constitucion .
       Ranulfo Ramirez .