We all love America for one reason, My is very simple, when the goverment in my country desided that a person with democratic ideas was a menace to the rooling group that wanted to implant a dictatorship of the comunist type, it was time to leave or die, fate was I will not die as some of my conrads, after scaping from preason and goin into an friendley embassy, in wich I spend 4 years, I have the lusury of coming to a country full of hard working peaple, mens and wimens that did not seat home waiting for the wellfair check, as way to many do now and days.
On valantines day I will not go on record as a person who puts blame for Americas desarrange way of life in any espesifique group, but all the politicians shall ask themsel, : did I feild in my job :, Elected official have an obligation to uphold the highest standar for the good of the nation!!! the party line, the groups fabors,and their own enrrichment come last to the well been of the country.
Ranulfo Ramirez.. *** HAPPY VALANTINE DAY ***