January the 28 and we do not have a deal ! , the health plan for the " legal " we the peaple of America. The
illegals already have one, every hospital in America will take care of them when they get sick, usualy the one
with good jobs pay their bills, problem is not to many of the elegals have good jobs, and after getting well, they just moove to an other city, and the hospital goes to the goverment for what ever monnies the goverment now have for those cases.
And yes, there are monnies for that, I find out while in the hospital helping some friends whos parents are here visiting them. we help them fill out the form so that the hospital coul go ahead and put a clame for federal and state help, from one of the programs that have been taylored for persons visiting the states.
Problem is, by the time the goverment tales the hospital the person is not a visitor, the bill is already past due and the sick person is allready gone, for that reason and all the other reason wer know, lets ask the goverment to end illegal immigration once and for all, americans need their doctor and hospital to help the American and their legal visitors, as well as the ones that come in , with in the law, with all their paper and a real I.D...
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Happy 2010 to America and the world!
May 2010 be the year of real peace for all!!! humans being. All under the guidence of the only
power strog enough to conquest the universe!!! LOVE !!!.
For this every human being have to remember: your right end where my began !
WE need to restraine ourself from transpassing in order to make a proffit !, We also need to remember that power corrot the weak minded person, politician are bussnes peaple, they are not all honest, we have
to hold them acountable, or they will take the country doun into misery!. Today we have to much greed!.
We need new politician elected to 2 terms only, out with the old ways, new blod, new brains, new
members to congres and senate, America need server to serve, today there is to much talk, to much take, to litle done to secure the future of America!
We are paing the price for life time terms for Washinton politician. ! two terms and your are out !
We at immigrated heart like to see an end to political as usual, finish this helth care long talk and on with
the new, : legal immigration is awaiting for your resolution to a very complex problem, what are you goin to do with it ?, sit there and try to win votes for your party next elections or do your job to protec the ligal citisen of this country! in case you forgot, they have rights too! they can not go to the country the ilegals came from, they are not aloud to! and in many places they put in prisons, as they did in Mexico with my nephues,
and if they dont pay their way out they get deported back to their country!
We need to get America out of bankcrotsy, given out what litle America has now, wont fee all the poor of this worl, lets make America helthy again, and then we may be able to help more of the peaple tha need
our help, this we can do by making democracy strong around the worl, not by giving ilegals a free ride.
As an immigrant, one that fallow all the laws to get to the states, I can assure you that every man can
and will do better if their own goverment lets them work on their own country, instead of goin to an other
country to, in many ways, harm the citicens of that countrey, lets help democracy, down with the corropted
politicians, create work thrugh free-enterprice, keep goverment from running bussines or bayling them out!
Free enterprice is a proven way for good mens to advance in this planet, to many goverment interfieing for
only one reason, ! more power to a select group of peaple on top! .
Lets fix immigracion for the United States of America, for the legals in america , we do not have the
monney to save the worl, we love them, they most undestain, love does not mean for mi to starve to death
in order for you to get what I work so hard for!!! Ranulfo Ramirez : immigratedheart.com.
May 2010 be the year of real peace for all!!! humans being. All under the guidence of the only
power strog enough to conquest the universe!!! LOVE !!!.
For this every human being have to remember: your right end where my began !
WE need to restraine ourself from transpassing in order to make a proffit !, We also need to remember that power corrot the weak minded person, politician are bussnes peaple, they are not all honest, we have
to hold them acountable, or they will take the country doun into misery!. Today we have to much greed!.
We need new politician elected to 2 terms only, out with the old ways, new blod, new brains, new
members to congres and senate, America need server to serve, today there is to much talk, to much take, to litle done to secure the future of America!
We are paing the price for life time terms for Washinton politician. ! two terms and your are out !
We at immigrated heart like to see an end to political as usual, finish this helth care long talk and on with
the new, : legal immigration is awaiting for your resolution to a very complex problem, what are you goin to do with it ?, sit there and try to win votes for your party next elections or do your job to protec the ligal citisen of this country! in case you forgot, they have rights too! they can not go to the country the ilegals came from, they are not aloud to! and in many places they put in prisons, as they did in Mexico with my nephues,
and if they dont pay their way out they get deported back to their country!
We need to get America out of bankcrotsy, given out what litle America has now, wont fee all the poor of this worl, lets make America helthy again, and then we may be able to help more of the peaple tha need
our help, this we can do by making democracy strong around the worl, not by giving ilegals a free ride.
As an immigrant, one that fallow all the laws to get to the states, I can assure you that every man can
and will do better if their own goverment lets them work on their own country, instead of goin to an other
country to, in many ways, harm the citicens of that countrey, lets help democracy, down with the corropted
politicians, create work thrugh free-enterprice, keep goverment from running bussines or bayling them out!
Free enterprice is a proven way for good mens to advance in this planet, to many goverment interfieing for
only one reason, ! more power to a select group of peaple on top! .
Lets fix immigracion for the United States of America, for the legals in america , we do not have the
monney to save the worl, we love them, they most undestain, love does not mean for mi to starve to death
in order for you to get what I work so hard for!!! Ranulfo Ramirez : immigratedheart.com.
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